"The day you stop learning SharePoint is the day you stop using it."

Using SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges with SPContext class

Using SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges with SPContext class.

If you have implemented your code similar to the Code Snippet 1 then you might run into exception. Many developers implement their code, similar to the Code Snippet 1 and runs into exception such as Access Denied, “sign in as a different user”. This is because… the below code is not the correct way of using SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges

When you declare SPSite elevatedSite = SPContext.Current.Site; or SPWeb elevatedWeb = SPContext.Current.Web;

these statements runs with the current login user permission and not the System Account. Therefore you might face an Access Denied exception when updating a list or any content since the code is running under current login user credentials who might have no add/contribute access on the list. No matter if you have declared
SPContext under SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges, still the code will execute with the current login user permission.

Code Snippet 1 (Incorrect way):

      SPSite spSite = SPContext.Current.Site;

      using (SPWeb spWeb = spSite.OpenWeb())
         // Performing administrative actions here will give Access Denied exception.

Code Snippet 2 (Correct Way):

Guid spSiteGUID = SPContext.Current.Site.ID;
Guid spWebGUID = SPContext.Current.Site.OpenWeb().ID;

    using (SPSite elevatedSiteColl = new SPSite(spSiteGUID))
       using (SPWeb elevatedWeb = elevatedSiteColl.OpenWeb(spWebGUID))
         //your code…

The above Code Snippet 2 automatically disposes the SPContext object and the SPSite and SPWeb objects are also automatically disposed once they leave the code block. No need to dispose SPSite and SPWeb objects explicitly when they are declared in using statement.

So the bottom line is SPContext does not works under SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges.

Easiest way to populate a drop-down list control with SharePoint custom list column values

There are numerous ways to populate a drop-down list control with SharePoint custom list column values. But for me the below seems to be the easiest one.

You should populate the drop-down list on a page load event as given in below code. You can copy the exact below code with few changes as what column values you want to populate and your drop-down list control ID/Name.

I have used here 
SPQuery since I want to order the column values alphabetically, starting from ascending to descending. You can omit the SPQuery statement and directly specify the column value in spList.GetItems() method.

Example: SPListItemCollection spListColl = spList.GetItems("Title"); // Title is the column name. You can mention any column name of your choice.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
   if (!IsPostBack)
      Guid spSiteGUID = SPContext.Current.Site.ID;
      Guid spWebGUID = SPContext.Current.Site.RootWeb.ID;

      //Use above statement if your site is at root site or else below one.  
      //Guid spWebGUID = SPContext.Current.Site.OpenWeb().ID; 

         using (SPSite elevatedSiteColl = new SPSite(spSiteGUID))
            using (SPWeb elevatedWeb = elevatedSiteColl.OpenWeb(spWebGUID))
               SPList spList = elevatedWeb.Lists["QD Offices"];
               SPQuery spQuery = new SPQuery();
               spQuery.Query = "<OrderBy><FieldRef Name='Country'/></OrderBy>";
               SPListItemCollection spListColl = spList.GetItems(spQuery);
               foreach (SPListItem spItem in spListColl)
                  string listItem = spItem["Title"].ToString();

Cheers !!

Open InfoPath Web Form from SharePoint Designer trigger email

In this article I will show you how you can create a hyperlink through which you can open a published InfoPath form from an email, triggered by SharePoint Designer 2010 Workflow.

In SP Designer Workflow, select "Set Variable Workflow" action and set the variable to the string specified in the below first image.

Text reference: First select [%Workflow Context:Current Site URL%] by clicking "Add or Change Lookup" button and select Data Source: Workflow Context; Field from source: Current Site URL, then same string as it is till Cases/, then select Current Item:Title, then write "&Source", then again [%Workflow Context:Current Site URL%] and finally write or copy the string "/Cases/Forms/AllItems.aspx&DefaultItemOpen=1"

In the second image, you can see there a link "here", by clicking this click an active InfoPath form will be opened in the web browser. [Just confirm that your InfoPath form is web browser enabled form].

You can include this "here" link by clicking the small icon next to "Automatic".

Cheers !

Hope this small piece helps you...

Difference between “Manage Users” and “Share Project Web App” in Project Server 2013

At some point of time I was quite confused why there would be two ways to assign permission to users in Project Server and with different names and settings. These two ways are – “Manage Users” and “Share Project Web App”.

Have you ever found the difference between the two? You are guessing right… YES there is a difference. You must be aware of the fact that Project Server 2013 has two permission modes, one is the SharePoint Permission Mode and the other is Project Server Permission Mode. By default after installing Project Server 2013 setup, the Project Web App is configured in SharePoint Permission Mode.

In SharePoint Permission Mode, the Security category would be missing from PWA Settings.

The “Share Project Web App” only works when your PWA is configured in SharePoint Permission Mode. The “Share Project Web App” does not works in Project Server Permission Mode. What if you want to change your PWA permission mode from SharePoint Permission Mode to Project Server Permission Mode, is it possible? Yes it is and the steps are very simple…

Have a look: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj219486.aspx

The Manage Users is available for Project Server Permission Mode. So when you have changed the permission mode, the Security category in PWA settings would be available now.

So do remember, when you have configured your PWA in Project Server Permission Mode then you must only use Security category to grant access to users and do not use “Share Project Web App.”


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A SharePoint Enthusiast working as a Lead Solution Architect for an IT Software & Consulting Company in Mumbai. I believe in giving back to the community through which I also learn and develop and eventually grow as an individual and professional. This blog is a small contribution to the community where I live in and may help someone who is seeking knowledge like me.

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