"The day you stop learning SharePoint is the day you stop using it."

Error "Updates are currently disallowed in GET requests. To allow updates on a GET, set the 'AllowUnsafeUpdates' property on SPWeb".

You may encounter an exception when accessing General Settings or Resource Throttling for a web application in Central Administration:

Open SharePoint Management Shell and execute the below commands:

$w = get-spwebapplication http://<web application url>


George Carlson said...

I am very interested in your post. The information in your post is very benefitable for me. Thanks for share this post.

Zakir Chougle said...

Thanks George.

SharePoint-StackExchange Moderator

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A SharePoint Enthusiast working as a Lead Solution Architect for an IT Software & Consulting Company in Mumbai. I believe in giving back to the community through which I also learn and develop and eventually grow as an individual and professional. This blog is a small contribution to the community where I live in and may help someone who is seeking knowledge like me.

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